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Elections 2024 – Muhammed Haron of Al Ja’Mah in Rod’s Views

Heading into the 2024 Elections, Advocate Rod Solomons interviews Al Ja’Mah Party WC Premier Candidate Muhammed Haron

In a series of interviews focussed on South Africa’s upcoming 2024 National & Provincial Elections, Advocate Rod Solomons, the host of Rod’s Views on Cape Conscious Media, interviews Muhammed Haron, Western Cape Premier Candiddate of the Al Ja’Mah party about how they will be governing the province should he become premier.

One of Our Favourite Moments Paraphrased
Rod Solomons asks Muhammed Haron about the perception that Al Ja’Mah is seen as a Muslim party in a predominatly Secular and Christian society.
Muhammed Haron answers that there are a large number of Christians in the party including the Executive Mayor of Johannesburg who is a devout Christian and that many South Africans of different religions and cultures have values that align with what the party stands for.

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