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Cheslyn Steenberg of the Patriotic Alliance in Rod’s Views

In a series of interviews focussed on South Africa’s upcoming 2024 National & Provincial Elections, Advocate Rod Solomons, the host of Rod’s Views on Cape Conscious Media, interviews Cheslyn Steenberg, Regional Secretary of Patriotic Alliance. Cheslyn is currently a PA ward councillor and PA Chief Whip in the City of Cape Town Metropolitan Council.

One of Our Favourite Moments Paraphrased
On more than one occasion in different ways Rod Solomons asks Cheslyn Steenberg about the perception that Patriotic Alliance is a “Coloured Party” focussed only on Coloureds.
Cheslyn Steenberg maintains that though the PA was born from Coloured Communities, it is not soley a Coloured party but a colourful party with membership and leaders from across a broad spectrum of South Africans.

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