Playing the piano since the age of 4-years-old, Jason Haas from Springs in Gauteng is a 15-year-old self-taught classical pianist with a deep passion for music and art.
By the time Jason had become a teen he could master complicated pieces by classical composers such as Chopin and Liszt without having had any formal training whatsoever. Until recently Jason was only ever playing by ear.
Infant With a Talent
We spoke to Jason’s mom Leanne Haas who has over the years been doing the best she could to help nurture his talent.
“While I was still expecting him, I always used to play classical music to him. They say this helps with a child’s memory, intelligence and creativity. I think it worked!”
“I realized how important it is what we expose our babies to while still in the womb, because it will affect them.”
“Jason has always been intrigued by music, and when he was around 4-years-old I noticed he has a talent for the piano. By the age of eight he was playing my favourite classical piece, Canon in D by ear.”
“When he got a little older, he turned to YouTube tutorials, and in no time he was playing much more complicated classical pieces.”

Facing Barriers at Arts School
In 2023 Jason was for the first time enrolled into an arts school where he started receiving formal music training. What seemed to be a great advancement for him was however fraught with problems.
“In 2023 we were able to get him into the East Rand School of Arts, and this is where he learned to sight read music for the first time. Unfortunately, because the language requirement is Zulu, Jason was struggling academically for the first time in his schooling career, and we had to take him out.”
Jason explains that he was faring well and progressing really fast with his music studies but disappointingly he had to leave the school due to language barriers.
“During my time at the art school, I learned how to read music and about music theory, something I had not known in my 11 years of playing the piano, all thanks to my piano teacher, Mr. J. Manamela.”
“Unfortunately, I had to leave the school because the Home Language subject had to be IsiZulu or Sepedi, neither of which I could pursue. Now, the only times I get to play the piano are during rehearsals with the orchestra which is only on Saturdays and on occasional visits to my uncle’s house.”
WATCH Jason’s Piano Skill Progressing from when he was 4 Until Now that he is 15
Turning Barriers Into Opportunities
The orchestra Jason speaks of is the East Rand Youth Orchestra.
One more positive that came out of attending the East Rand School of Arts, aside from Jason finally learning to read music, which he will naturally continue to pursue, is that he reached a new stage in the evolution of his music career.
“Last year, while I was a scholar at the East Rand School of the Arts, a friend who also played an instrument informed me that the youth orchestra she was part of needed a pianist. I seized the opportunity, and now, I am the pianist for the East Rand Youth Orchestra.”
Nurturing His Annointed Hands
Raising Jason has not always been easy for Leanne. As a very spiritual woman Leanne was always mindful and prayerful that her son uses his hands for good.
Needless to say, as someone born with musical talent, Jason’s hands were very fidgety and at times this used to get him into trouble.
“It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that the child discovers and uses his or her talents for God’s glory and not sell out to the devil. It is our responsibility to train them up in the way they should go, so that when they are old, they will not depart from it.”
Leanne explained how she was determined not to let any of his wrongdoings slide.
“As a little boy my son stole toys from a shop on two different occasions. When I saw the stuff, I didn’t brush it off as *‘Aag hy is ma net a kind’. I made him return it and taught him that stealing is wrong. I knew he had an anointing on his hands, and the devil wanted his hands to corrupt that anointing, and to use it for evil.”
“Today God is opening doors no man can shut. Because of his hands!”

Taking Matters Into His Own Hands
Well aware that his mom is unable to afford to buy him a decent piano, Jason has started his Piano 4 Pianist BackaBuddy campaign.
Jason aims to raise enough funds to buy a baby grand piano on which he can hone his skills and practice every day.
On his campaign page Jason writes: “I am the son of a single mother who is not in a position to buy me a piano, as pianos, especially good ones, are very expensive. I sincerely hope my story has touched your heart and that you will consider donating so that I can acquire a piano and pursue my passion to become a world-class pianist.”
Leanne who was at first unaware of Jason’s Piano 4 Pianist BackaBuddy campaign says she is overwhelmed with the response and with the new possibilities that are opening up for Jason.
“Since the launch, support has continually been streaming in. I am overwhelmed by it all.”
“Mind you, I didn’t even know that he had started a BackaBuddy campaign. The first I saw of it was when my brother shared it on Facebook.”
New Opportunies are Opening Up for Jason
Opportunities that will help Jason build his network in the performing arts community are also starting to open up.
“We have since received two promises of a piano and a number of performance opportunities have also opened up for Jason”
Leanne has shared with us that a new milestone which will be coming up soon is that the famous Drakensberg Boys Choir has invited Jason to perform with them on stage.
“Not only is it a fantastic opportunity for him to perform with them on stage, but they have said that afterwards they would like to gift him with a keyboard, a stand, and a chair which they say will enable him to travel to various places to do performances.

Using His Hands to Help Others
Aside from his love for music and his extraordinary talent for playing the Piano, Leanne is also proud that Jason often helps her out in her own endeavours.
Attached to her catering business, Leanne runs a feeding scheme which tackles the problem of food insecurity in communities in an around Springs and Jason never shies away from helping her.
Over and above the usual helping hand he gives his mom, Leanne says that Jason will soon also be integrating his musical talent with her feeding scheme.
“A few weeks ago, I told my son I want to start a youth choir for the kids at the squatter camp that we frequently deliver food to, and that I would need him to be our pianist, and he eagerly agreed.”
With funding for her Klipsop Kombuis feeding scheme running low and the catering business still not back at the same levels as it was before the pandemic shutdowns, Leanne has planted a vegetable garden to supplement the feeding scheme.
It turns out that the young man with the musical hands also happens to have green fingers and loves to help his mom in the garden.
Please Support the Jason Haas Piano 4 Pianist BackaBuddy Campaign
The Jason Haas Piano 4 Pianist BackaBuddy Campaign is already showing good results not only in the amount of funds being raised thus far but also with the tremendous outpour of goodwill this young man is receiving.
With all the new opportunities opening up for him, Jason is already thinking of how he can in future help other youngsters who do not have opportunities to learn an instrument, let alone own an instrument.
The talented pianist clearly believes in creating opportunities where there seems to be none, has a has a special message for other young musicians.
“Music is a very beautiful thing. If you love it, pursue it. You have endless opportunities.”
We urge our readers and followers to please pledge their support to make Jason’s dreams come true and if you are not able to make a financial contribution, please help us ensure that this campaign reaches as many people as possible by clicking the Share tab on our article.
Visit the Jason Haas Piano 4 Pianist BackaBuddy Campaign to Make a Donation
*‘Aag hy is ma net a kind’
meaning ‘Oh, but he’s just only being a child.’
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