Through this video and through his book, Dr Jacob Cloete asks: “Is it possible to move beyond the racialised identities in South Africa?”
“If there is a lesson that South Africans can learn from the rest of the continent, it is that the crystalised ethnic and racialised identities are not viable.”
When they become politicised and create a first-comer discourse, it eventually leads to violence. South Africa is slowly progressing that way. Therefore, it is important to start a conversation that will take us beyond the crystalised ethnic and racial identities. We have to move towards a common African identity.
Dr Jacob Cloete speaks about his book The Attempted Erasure of The Khoekhoe And San at the 2024 Adam Small Book Festival and explains his views on Coloured Identity.
The Attempted Erasure of the Khoekhoe and San, written by Dr Jacob Cloete, delves into the complex and ongoing erasure of the Khoekhoe and San people in South Africa.
The book is published under SUN MeDIA and you may order your copy from the following online platforms.
- Takealot:
- Google Books: bit.y/l2k1Uilm
- Amazon Kindle:
- (e-books)
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