In a world and particularly a country like SA, which has an unnatural and bizarre fixation with mediocrity, to be unique, true to one's self and to the game - DOOKOOM is the absolute antithesis of this sad state of affairs. Isaac Mutant stays true to what is indeed a unique aural feel and texture which is almost unbearably tactile - but in a beautifully delicious way of course.

"The Devil Made Me Do It" aka "Jou Ma Se Porsche" is another brilliant standout track from a group hailing from the world capital of unique music genre's and a city literally bursting at the seams with musical talent going back many generations, centuries and tens of thousands of years.

While it may certainly be over the heads of some, DOOKOOM Owns the notion of Afropunk and has it firmly stashed in their back-pockets and wrapped around their little finger.

There are very few (if any actually) new generation artists in South Africa and in fact Africa who has the guts to step out of comfortability and the pseudo African American Gangster Rap shadow and challenge the very fabric of what it is to be African BUT; let us always be reminded by the words of the Roman elder, Pliny when he stated "Ex africa semper aliquid novi" - (Out of Africa comes always something new). This is as NEW as the pain you feel the first time you wear leather shoes.

Dookoom is the undisputed iconoclastic leader of the new generation of music on this continent - SAH-LOOT TO GENIUS!!!

Footnote: I personally believe that Issac Mutant is the re-incarnation of Jimi Hendrix - but that is me.

WATCH: The Devil Made Me Do It by Dookoom on Youtube
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WARNING! - Explicit Lyrics & Disturbing Visuals