Linnay Jooste presenting Kids Zone on Eldos FM
Supplied by Buddy Jooste

When you're 13 years old and already have a career as a radio presenter along with a number of other achievements, it is quite understandable that you can't really pinpoint exactly what you would like to do as an adult... That is the case for Linnay Jooste, and though she for now only has some idea of which direction she wants to go into, she already has a great head-start as the youngest radio presenter on Eldos FM in Eldorado Park Johannesburg.
We got in touch with Linnay and her parents Buddy & Keenen Jooste to find out more about this dynamic young lady.


Linnay was scouted at her school by the management of the radio station with the help of her teachers and principal. Eldos FM management was clearly impressed by Linnay's fluency and articulation in both English and Afrikaans. The first reaction to the offer from then 10 year old was that she had to ask her mom who cautiously agreed and the rest as they say, is history.



Besides being the youngest presenter at Eldos FM, and also among the youngest presenters in the country, Linnay is quite the high achiever when it comes to academics.
Linnay has been the top student at Herengracht Primary School right through from Grade R up to Grade 7 and was also the head girl in 2018, her final year at primary school.
Among her many achievements she also won the African Children’s Award and a Europe Car Award 2018 for academic achievements and Community Development.

Linnay with her proud dad Keenen at one of her many primary school awards ceremonies.

Linnay also made her first TV appearance when she was interviewed on the kykNET & Kie magazine program KLOP hosted by Heinrich Wyngaard to talk about all of her achievements where she came across as a fairly normal young teen who just happens to do a whole lot of really extraordinary things.
You can watch that Interview further below or watch it on BruinouTV here--> Dertien jaar oud en op die lug – KLOP! 12 Junie 2019.


In wanting to make the best of her academic prowess, Buddy & Keenen Jooste who obviously are immensely proud of Linnay, have enrolled her at the prestigious (and fairly expensive) high school, Concord College in Randburg.
Not surprisingly Linnay has already received an award at her new school.
Receiving a Silver Certificate for the first school quarter of 2019 in Grade 8 at Concord College in an environment where there are a relatively larger number of high performing learners competing for the top spots, is no mean feat.


Of course one would think that families with children who have such great academic ability as Linnay would have a pick of scholarships or bursaries, but alas; virtually all the companies and organisation which the Jooste family have approached only offer bursaries and scholarships from Grade 10 onwards.
Some people may also wonder why Linnay cannot use her earnings from radio or why the radio station does not simply sponsor her school fees, but unfortunately that is not how Community Radio Stations like EldosFM and others operate. They do not have the same financial resources as commercial radio stations and in most cases their presenters are volunteers who do not work for a salary and are on air purely for their love of the communities they serve and their love for the broadcasting medium.
The Jooste family thus have to make extra sacrifices so that they do not deprive Linnay from getting the best education possible.


Linnay with her parents and younger sibling Jaelee.

With Linnay having three siblings of which she is the second youngest, it also means that the Joostes have to maintain a well-balanced family life.
Buddy Jooste says they are fairly strict on how their children spend their time placing a high emphasis on education and having a fair amount of control over which friends their kids spend their time with.
Everyone in the family shares a great love for music and spending family time together is a high priority for the Joostes.


Linnay with her older brother Mubeen and little Jaelee.


Naturally the family's busy schedule many times has to revolve around Linnay, but her older sister and brother Ruqeiya & Mubeen are super supportive and understanding that for now the limelight is squarely on Linnay.
Besides giving Linnay their full support for her radio career the older two also tend to give her loads of love and attention.
About hanging out with them Linnay says: "We love laughing; having loads of fun and just being together is more than enough for me. We're always clowning around; I love them to bits."
Buddy adds that Linnay's baby sister Jaelee gives her a run for her money and even with a 10 year gap between them, it is funny how the little one always wants to do things Linnay does.


Linnay with her mom Buddy and her older sister Ruqeiya.


As a co-host of the Eldos FM Kids Zone program which airs weekly on Saturday mornings, Linnay enjoys discussing a range of issues that concern young people her age in a way that is comfortable for them.
In another more recent TV interview on SABC's Expresso recorded at the Eldos FM Studios along with her co-host Roshen Prantice Vassen, it is evident that Linnay clearly has loads of fun and it is clear that her colleagues are enjoying her presence just as much.
You can watch that interview via BruinouTV here --> Young Achiever: Linnay Jooste - Kid Radio Presenter.


Besides having the time of her life dealing with kids and young teen issues on the radio show, and getting involved in community development projects while maintaining excellent grades at school, Linnay also likes doing things that most kids her age can identify with. Linnay just loves going ice skating and also enjoys trips to the mall while one of her hobbies which she is quite keen on happens to be baking.

The young radio presenter has shown that she already has an ability to have a great impact in her community and not only does she have the support of her family including grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, but her peers and many of the younger kids all over her community see her as a role model and an inspiration.


Linnay Jooste - An ordinary 13 year old doing extraordinary things.

Many of us might believe that Linnay is already living out her dream job but being on radio wasn't something she applied for or set out to do. The opportunity presented itself and she and her family grabbed it and made the best of it.
Knowing that she at some point considered studying medicine, but has since changed her mind, we asked Linnay about her future plans, what her dream job would be and what she intends to study after completing high school.
"I don’t have a dream job in mind yet. My ambitions are to be successful and make lots of money with which I can help other people. I would love to be able to make the place we live in a safer one."
She also hasn't made up her mind exactly what she will be studying but for now she figures that it will most likely be something media related. She also has an interest in expanding her language abilities beyond English and Afrikaans.
"I would like to learn an African language and probably also French and perhaps even Arabic."


With her strong work ethic, the loving support of her parents and siblings as well as the support of her colleagues at Eldos FM, Linnay Jooste is destined to not only triumphantly ride the airwaves for years to come but she will surely find more ways to impact lives and fulfil her ambitions of helping people and making this world a better and safer place.


WATCH: Dertien Dertien jaar oud en op die lug – KLOP!

You can tune in to listen to Linnay on a Saturday morning from 7:00am to 9:00am on EldosFM in Eldorado Park and surrounding areas on 87.6 MHz FM or Stream EldosFM anywhere in the world from the link on the EldosFM Website.

You can also follow Linnay on Instagram @cupcake_nayjooste

Can You Help Linnay Get a Bursary?
If you or someone you know heads up or has any links to a company or organisation which indeed offers scholarships and bursaries to high achieving learners from as early as Grade 8 please contact Linnay's mother Buddy Jooste via email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss the matter and to receive comprehensive details of Linnay's academic and other achievements.