What later happened in Wentworth, in Eden Park and presently plays itself out in Klipspruit, Eldorado Park, first started in Davidsonville, Roodepoort…
This post 1994 struggle of Coloureds to attain equality and to oppose unfair discrimination brought on them by Black supremacists, needs to be told.
The post 1994 struggle of Coloureds to attain equality and to oppose unfair discrimination brought on them by Black supremacists, needs to be told.
Well, here it is. The premiere of Davy's Fire (one of the first Coloured communities that opposed marginalisation).
During 2015-16 the Gauteng communities of Matholiesville and Davidsonville came to presumably racial loggerheads with each other over appointments at the Roodepoort Primary School. This saw not only the two communities divided, but also saw a political divide and a nation divided on the standards of equality. It was Black against Coloured, and Bushie against Darkie.
While the news almost daily and weekly reported the stand-off between the small Coloured community of Davidsonville and the Gauteng Department of Education on the community’s refusal to allow the appointment of three Black teachers as principal and deputies and while the situation was all the more termed a racial problem of Coloureds, the SADTU union tried its best to manoeuvre the situation to its advantage. Yet, neither such efforts, nor the interdicts brought against the community’s leader, nor the closing of the school and the shooting of many innocent protesters by police could stop Davidsonville’s thirst for justice.
Davy’s Fire takes a look at these extraordinary times for Coloureds and Blacks, political friends and opponents and it seeks to showcase patriotism in the midst of a possible confusing love, challenges faced in nation building and the divides caused by unchecked political viewpoints. The film goes right down to the basics of humanity, values and the interwoven existence and relationship between Coloureds and Blacks in the democratic South Africa.

Davy's Fire starring Keanu Swartz & Juliet Gerber is produced by Brotherville Productions and the Kullid Foundation with the selfless assistance from actors, the communities and private individuals.
WATCH: Davy's Fire - Official Trailer
Join us at the Roodepoort Theatre on 28 September 2017 for the premiere of Davy's Fire.

Get your tickets from
Mr Martin Hill (073 966 2557)
Mrs Christabelle Pienaar (073 318 4825)
Mr Keano Swartz (062 264 2330)
Mr Brandon Isaacs (061 974 0564)