How negative are you about your own people?
Do you always readily find faults with everything associated with Kullidness, yet still you're never able to provide solutions to all those faults you so readily identify and point to?

So, this is how negativity works... It first feeds on you (it's like a Hyena) - remember those hyenas in The Lion King that always were chewing their own tails and legs?
That's negativity.

Dit eet jouself stadig op. You grow more negative. You never have solutions because you no longer believe in anything positive.
Next, negativity starts spreading through your network. Your family gets infected. Your circle of friends starts sharing that same morbid outlook. Everyone arounds you starts missing to see the historic efforts of Dr Allan Boesak; they close their eyes to the encouraging success of Wayde van Niekerk; They completely lose sight of being proudly Kullid. All they do is relish in their negativity...
Okay, in a sense, life is tough for Kullids - scarcity of jobs, community problems, drugs, gangsters, no economic empowerment, housing shortages, etc.

But here's the deal: There is Thabo in squatter camp with worse challenges as he does not have formal schooling but he had learned to weld and he makes a living fixing exhausts.
There is a lady from Zimbabwe who has just arrived this morning and she has no clue how Mzansi works, yet she is determined to make it here!

There are 'arme blankes' who live in a park in Krugersdorp, but Blikkies Joubert who stays there, has now become a handyman and he sells his services to Black, White, Indian and Coloured - he is standing up from his ashes of negativity!

Imraan's car got atolen this past festive season, just at the time when he moved from one insurance company to the other, and now not one of those companies wants to cover him. While he is fighting those thieves, he has borrowed his in-laws' old car and he is on the move again!

Shall I mention the Chinese woman who stands in her shop all day long? Shall I need to mention the Pakistani who sleeps in his shop?

Komaan, die is jou land die!
Maak 'n pyl en kry 'n boog...! Los om niks van jouself en jou mense te dink. You are NOT Gam se kind - God is giving you the same air to breath as those others.
All that you need to do is get that mindset right. Grab His mercies and go out and fight for the opportunities He provides.
Los daai style van jouself heeldag blou wil byt.
Jyse Kullid, nie 'n Hyena nie!
Sit die regte hoed op jou kop...

Ronald DyersRonald Dyers is reverend, an activist and a social entrepreneur.
He heads up the Kullid Foundation and has over many years been closely associated with
Ronald writes in his own capacity and though our visions are alligned in many ways, his views are expressly his and not necessarily that of - Editor