Funeral of Axhley Kriel, 1987It is becoming more and more apparent that many submissions to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) were either very economical with the truth and some were outright lies.

We have in previous articles mentioned the supicious circumstances surrounding the death of Ashley Kriel, the young Umkhonto we Sizwe operative who was murdered by security police in 1987. We have also recently published an article about Action Kommandant, a film being produced by Nadine Cloete which documents the life of Ashley Kriel.
Kriel was shot at a house in Hazendal, Athlone on July 9, 1987, with security police claiming his death was an “accident”.

An Online Petition created by Brian Ebden demands that a case of murder be opened against former police captain Jeffrey Benzien and that Parliament overturn the amnesty granted to at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in the 1990's.

A forensic investigation by David Klatzow concluded that the Ashley Kriel was murdered by security police in 1987 and that that the evidence is contrary to the submission made by Benzien at the TRC and according to which he was granted amnesty for Ashley Kriel's death.
Klatzow’s forensic evidence indicated that Kriel, 20, was murdered rather than accidentally shot.
He concluded that Kriel was shot from behind and from a distance while his wrists were handcuffed behind his back.

In his submissions to the TRC, Benzien said Kriel produced a .22 pistol in the course of his arrest. He told the TRC he had tried to take the gun away from Kriel. A scuffle ensued, during which Kriel was shot in the back.
He told the TRC he had tried to take the gun away from Kriel. A scuffle ensued, during which Kriel was shot in the back.
Benzien said the shot was fired from Kriel’s pistol.

In a recent Cape Argus article Kriel’s sisters, Michel Assure and Melanie Adams, said they welcome the petition and any assistance that could help in finding justice for their brother.
“We urge people to always keep Ashley and all his comrades in their memory. “We also urge the families of other fallen heroes to speak up about their deaths and make their voices heard,” said Assure.

Ashley Kriel addressing a political rally.Brian Ebden who started the petition, told that Jeffery Benzien was a psychopathic torturer and murderer of many young people in the Western Cape during the struggle years.
"He was granted amnesty for all his crimes given that he lied through his teeth and this was proven to be the case with the people's hero, Ashley Kriel; whom Benzien murdered."

"Forensic investigator, David Klatzow argued and proved that Ashley was murdered by Benzien and did not die accidentally as they claimed."
"Today, the murderous dogs of apartheid walk free yet we the people carry the scars and suffer to this day. Struggle heroes like Alan Boesak, Tony Yengeni as well as more than 100 APLA members have and continue to languish in jail while the murderers of our people and those who stole our land are free."
"This must stop now!" he exclaimed.

"I ask all of our people, to support and sign this petition to the SA Parliament to have the amnesty for Benzien overturned and he be charged with the brutal and cold blooded murder of our son and brother, Ashley Kriel."

Kriel’s family and the Western Cape ANC also told the Cape Argus earlier this week that they were prepared to take photographic evidence presented by Klatzow to the National Prosecuting Authority for possible prosecution.

The family reiterated that they were assessing their legal options.
“What we foresee now is a possibility of strenuous financial pressure. We would need help if we are going to reopen the case,” she said.
Kriel’s sisters said their family was denied justice twice – by the police inquiry into their brother’s death and by the TRC, as Klatzow’s evidence suggests that Benzien lied in his submissions to the TRC.

Adams said their mother, Ivy Kriel, who died of a stroke in 1995, had been slowly tortured by the “suspicious circumstances” surrounding her son’s death.

Please Click Here to Sign the Petition 'Justice for Ashley Kriel' on the website.

Watch the Video of Jeffrey Benzine's of Submission to the TRC
WARNING: Graphic Descriptions of Torture
