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Kirk Krotz – Go With Me (Lounge Sessions)

Kirk Krotz aka Boesman Project performing ‘Go WIth Me’ during one of his “Lounge Session” where he literally sits in “his corner” of his lounge wearing what he says is his pajamas…If you don’t know who Kirk Krotz is and think he is just another dude tryna make music from his home, get a taste of how he sounds on a full production and check out his music video of The Good & The Bad here:…Also check get his lovely jazzy ballad Stop My Heart for Free over here:… Hopefully he’ll be bringing us more of his “Lounge Sessions” doing acoustic versions of new 2020 songs he is working on while in Self Isolation during South Africa’s Covid-19 Lockdown.All Original Works by Kirk Krotz are the Copyright of Kirk & BruinouTV has full permission from Kirk Krotz to share and distribute the tracks and videos he sends us.

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Written by Ryan Swano

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